We are happy to introduce you our Two New Colors!
One is the subtle Gloss Pearl Marshmallow, the blue and pink pearl shades are a combination of innocence and beauty with a touch of romance, creativity and passion.
Simply put, this Pearl Marshmallow is a source of comfort for those who use it, and also possess an elegance that can shine alone.
Mixed with this soft, delicate white marshmallow shade, is the ultimate choice for those who want the perfect purity combo to their car.
The other one, is a little more explosive, it’s the first Satin color of our Gemstone Collection.
Satin Gemstone Silverstone Green, which name was chosen because the color was released on the Silverstone Village in England.
Yes, it is the same place where the Silverstone Circuit (the home of British motor racing) is based.
The harmonizing green base, the refreshing blue shadows and the softer touches of light-purple, are often linked with royalty, trust, maturity, and wisdom…
So much of what we see in this color is an effect of lighting and how our eyes perceive the sensation as the light bounces off and hits our receptors.
Nothing less feels when you take a look at this New Satin Gemstone Silverstone!
Click on the products to get to know all the details about this two new colors release.
You’re not gonna regret it!