It’s APA Feature Friday time! On Fridays we like to showcase one of our awesome customers here on our website and on our social media pages under the hashtag #APAFeatureFriday. For this week’s Feature Friday we are excited to feature Ahmed!
Ahmed is a man of many talents! He is in the process of becoming a chiropractor. In addition, he loves playing basketball as well as building cars.
Ahmed is the owner of a Mercedes C350. His car is wrapped with APA’s Satin Supercandy Fire Red. The installer is Moe Habbal from Auto Addicts USA located in Orange County, California! Ahmed chose Satin Supercandy Fire Red because he loves “the shimmer and shine along the satin bright red finish!” Moreover, Ahmed loves the Satin Supercandy Fire Red wrap on his Merecedes C350 because of the flawless finish! In addition, Ahmed thinks the wrap makes his car look like an exotic car!
Stay tuned for next week’s Feature Friday!